Monitor web pages with pinpoint precision.
100% Accurate page change detection with CSS Selectors.
Start now for FREE!
100% Accurate page change detection with CSS Selectors.
Start now for FREE!
Show :
Example URL :
CSS Selectors :

Please Wait...
Distraction cat is in position.
Distraction cat is in position.
Check Every :
Monitor web pages & data you care about:
- Price changes
- Product and service availability
- Tickets for concerts and events
- Regulatory law changes
- Competitors' web pages
- Job openings
- Special offers and promotions
- Stock trading
- Search rankings
- Customer reviews
What are CSS Selectors:
CSS Selectors are text snippets used by web browsers to locate and decorate specific page elements.
MonitorWiz uses CSS Selectors to pinpoint specific page areas to monitor.
You can achieve 100% accurate web page change detection by setting up well defined CSS Selectors.
See below how to find CSS Selectors in Chrome (and Firefox).
MonitorWiz uses CSS Selectors to pinpoint specific page areas to monitor.
You can achieve 100% accurate web page change detection by setting up well defined CSS Selectors.
See below how to find CSS Selectors in Chrome (and Firefox).